But anyway, because I had to get a new drivers license and renew my passport so that I can actually go abroad next semester, I'm now home in Philadelphia for the night. It was my plan to take the Chinatown bus home, because the Philly stop is real close to the PENNDOT center. As it turned out, I ended up spending two hours on a particularly stinky and gross bus for nothing, because the people at that DMV in center city Philly are morons and (long story short) I wasn't able to get my new license there.
But at least I got to see this silly sign outside the Apex stop in NYC's Chinatown. Boy, won't these guys ever learn??
P.S. I'm going with captions above the pictures thanks to a suggestion from a dear, dear friend who is no longer with us.

I also got to take a nice intersection shot, which I always enjoy taking, if for no other reason but to see what that intesection looked like at the time and day that it was shot. In fact, I find in most cases that there's enough going at a given intersection that there need not be any other reason, besides this, for shooting it. So here is Allen Street and Canal Street to be exact. This is the area of Canal Street that slopes slightly downhill east of the Manhattan Bridge arch after Chrystie Street. It really seems to be one of the more forgotten areas of the city. In this picture, I'm really digging the buildings on the north side of Canal east of Allen. People don't usually affiliate Canal Street with anything really besides Chinatown, and though technically from this view I think it's still considered to be that, from this view it looks about as old-school LES as it gets.

And then I wasn't in NYC anymore, but rather TAKING CELL PHONE PIX OF MYSELF IN MY CAR AHHHH!!!!

That's all I got for y'all now. Hopefully next week will yield more inspiration than this one did. I'm ALL about the inspiration.
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