the life and musings of a 20 year old, (self-loathing) nyu student through cell phone photography
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Filler...I guess
I got to see an MTA lady get legit cursed off by this guy because: after like 15 of us had been waiting a good 10 minutes here, we finally found out that there were not to be any trains stopping after a 6 train sped by on the express track. Nice job, MTA. No signs, no orange tape- no nuttin!
But I always like these long views of the old subway stations, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of my time.
Bleecker is the original 1904 subway, and it still has the old signs. The token clerk (who no longer sells anything) was probably too lazy to put up signs about the service change. Unionized TA jobs like that are nice if you can get them.
Though my interests are many and diverse, this blog will focus primarily on NYC Life, History and Culture.
Thanks to Josh Becker. Without him, none of this would be possible.
Bleecker is the original 1904 subway, and it still has the old signs. The token clerk (who no longer sells anything) was probably too lazy to put up signs about the service change. Unionized TA jobs like that are nice if you can get them.
I don't think that picture was so impressive. You should try harder next time.
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